Sign up here to be added to our email list so you can hear about all of our hide and seek events! (We promise we won't spam you)
By registering for the club, your name will be added to our internal score tracking system which helps us make sure that no one is missing out on points, free merch or any other important things!
This year we've changed up the club fees. Your very first event is free, then after that we charge $10 per semester. Once you've paid that we'll give you a branded Hide and Seek wristband. $20 will get you full membership for the year! Why pay for full membership? The points you accumulate throughout the semester will be shown on our website and the top spots at the end of each semester will win fabulous prizes to be given out at our final event extravaganza of the semester!
For legal reasons, each person participating in Hide And Seek Club events during the semester must fill out and return one of the following waivers prior to their first event. A printed copy is the most convenient for us and will get you ready and playing the game the fastest.